On 23.10.18 16:16, Norbert Lange wrote:

the following patches allow a variety of options additional
to the linker magic involved for hijacking the aplications main

the original method will still continue to work, differences are

*   the code dealing with retrieving the commandline arguments
     is moved into libcobale/libmercury. Making the necessary per-application
     code much smaller.

*   the implementation was moved into a header, with several macros
     controlling functionality (not everyone wants to define a main function).

The approach I use personally is to compile and link my own bootstrap code,
which is preferable in many build systems as source-files are understood while
objects files generally need some special care. (And it cant hurt if the 
flags match exactly).

As example:

----- add this to your file  containing main

int xenomai_init_getargv(int *argc, char *const** argv);

int main(int argc, char *const argv[])
#if defined(__COBALT__) || defined(__MERCURY__)
     xenomai_init_getargv(&argc, &argv);

----- create another file, lets call it mybootstrap.c

#include <xenomai/bootstrap-template.h>



[PATCH 1/2] separate bootstrap code to get commandline, move it into
[PATCH 2/2] add a header to create flexible bootstrap code

I need to look more carefully at the details and your use case, but my first impression is that at least patch 2 is not very beautiful due to that large template header. Could you explain again why explicitly calling the bootstrap code in a library is not sufficient?

Also note that this pattern may make it harder to maintain a compatible interface along updates, increasing the risk of having to recompile your application, rather than just replacing some central library, when Xenomai changes.


Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, CT RDA IOT SES-DE
Corporate Competence Center Embedded Linux

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