Hello Jan,

thank you for your answer.

My Xenomai version is:

Xenomai/cobalt v3.0.9 -- #5b99a61 (2019-11-04 19:44:03 +0100)

My kernel version is:

Linux arm 4.4.113-ti-xenomai-r149.1 #1 SMP Mon Oct 21 11:55:55 CEST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux

If it can be useful the result of xeno-test is:

Started child 676: /bin/bash /usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-test-run-wrapper ./xeno-test
++ echo 0
++ testdir=/usr/xenomai/bin
++ /usr/xenomai/bin/smokey --run
arith OK
bufp skipped (no kernel support)
cpu_affinity OK
iddp skipped (no kernel support)
leaks OK
net_packet_dgram skipped (no kernel support)
net_packet_raw skipped (no kernel support)
net_udp skipped (no kernel support)
posix_clock OK
posix_cond OK
posix_fork OK
mutex_trylock not supported
posix_mutex OK
posix_select OK
rtdm skipped (no kernel support)
sched_quota skipped (no kernel support)
sched_tp skipped (no kernel support)
setsched OK
sigdebug skipped (no kernel support)
timerfd OK
tsc OK
vdso_access OK
xddp skipped (no kernel support)
++ /usr/xenomai/bin/clocktest -D -T 30 -C CLOCK_HOST_REALTIME
hostrt data area is live
sequence counter : 197044
wall_time_sec    : 1575475032
wall_time_nsec   : 492643503
wall_to_monotonic_sec    : -1575471617
wall_to_monotonic_nsec   : 197320093
cycle_last       : 81979795008
mask             : 0xffffffffffffffff
mult             : 699025481
shift            : 24

== Testing built-in CLOCK_HOST_REALTIME (32)
CPU      ToD offset [us] ToD drift [us/s]      warps max delta [us]
--- -------------------- ---------------- ---------- --------------
  0                  3.3            0.054          0 0.0
++ /usr/xenomai/bin/switchtest -T 30
== Testing FPU check routines...
d0: 1 != 2
d1: 1 != 2
d2: 1 != 2
d3: 1 != 2
d4: 1 != 2
d5: 1 != 2
d6: 1 != 2
d7: 1 != 2
d8: 1 != 2
d9: 1 != 2
d10: 1 != 2
d11: 1 != 2
d12: 1 != 2
d13: 1 != 2
d14: 1 != 2
d15: 1 != 2
== FPU check routines: OK.
== Threads: sleeper_ufps0-0 rtk0-1 rtk0-2 rtk_fp0-3 rtk_fp0-4 rtk_fp_ufpp0-5 rtk_fp_ufpp0-6 rtup0-7 rtup0-8 rtup_ufpp0-9 rtup_ufpp0-10 rtus0-11 rtus0-12 rtus_ufps0-13 rtus_ufps0-14 rtuo0-15 rtuo0-16 rtuo_ufpp0-17 rtuo_ufpp0-18 rtuo_ufps0-19 rtuo_ufps0-20 rtuo_ufpp_ufps0-21 rtuo_ufpp_ufps0-22
RTT|  00:00:01
RTH|---------cpu|ctx switches|-------total
RTD|           0|       15937|       15937
RTD|           0|       15732|       31669
RTD|           0|       15736|       47405
RTD|           0|       15797|       63202
RTD|           0|       15801|       79003
RTD|           0|       15667|       94670
RTD|           0|       15730|      110400
RTD|           0|       15661|      126061
RTD|           0|       15801|      141862
RTD|           0|       15801|      157663
RTD|           0|       15801|      173464
RTD|           0|       15801|      189265
RTD|           0|       15736|      205001
RTD|           0|       15801|      220802
RTD|           0|       15866|      236668
RTD|           0|       15732|      252400
RTD|           0|       15736|      268136
RTD|           0|       15866|      284002
RTD|           0|       15732|      299734
RTD|           0|       15663|      315397
RTD|           0|       15732|      331129
RTT|  00:00:22
RTH|---------cpu|ctx switches|-------total
RTD|           0|       15801|      346930
RTD|           0|       15734|      362664
RTD|           0|       15734|      378398
RTD|           0|       15799|      394197
RTD|           0|       15799|      409996
RTD|           0|       15801|      425797
RTD|           0|       15734|      441531
RTD|           0|       15799|      457330
RTD|           0|       14490|      471820
++ start_load
++ echo start_load
++ false
++ check_alive /usr/xenomai/bin/latency
++ echo check_alive /usr/xenomai/bin/latency
++ wait_load
++ read rc
Started child 744: dohell 900
Started child 745: /usr/xenomai/bin/latency
== Sampling period: 1000 us
== Test mode: periodic user-mode task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT|  00:00:01  (periodic user-mode task, 1000 us period, priority 99)
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat best|--lat worst
RTD|     14.416|     29.666|     55.416|       0|     0| 14.416|     55.416
RTD|     14.374|     29.543|     53.583|       0|     0| 14.374|     55.416
RTD|     14.374|     28.730|     54.582|       0|     0| 14.374|     55.416
RTD|     14.374|     28.170|     56.249|       0|     0| 14.374|     56.249
RTD|     14.374|     28.609|     54.374|       0|     0| 14.374|     56.249
RTD|     14.332|     27.711|     55.874|       0|     0| 14.332|     56.249
RTD|     14.331|     28.196|     57.956|       0|     0| 14.331|     57.956
RTD|     14.373|     27.163|     54.915|       0|     0| 14.331|     57.956
RTD|     14.331|     28.497|     61.623|       0|     0| 14.331|     61.623
RTD|     11.414|     28.633|     56.914|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.414|     27.801|     60.914|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.372|     27.482|     57.289|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.372|     28.480|     56.038|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.371|     28.990|     56.413|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.371|     28.460|     54.371|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.371|     27.868|     54.704|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.412|     27.557|     53.746|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.287|     27.530|     53.287|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.370|     26.841|     55.829|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.412|     26.846|     52.912|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.411|     26.671|     53.953|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTT|  00:00:22  (periodic user-mode task, 1000 us period, priority 99)
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat best|--lat worst
RTD|     14.411|     26.720|     54.245|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.369|     26.391|     57.869|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.411|     26.184|     55.536|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.411|     26.052|     54.286|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     14.410|     26.045|     54.369|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|     13.577|     26.106|     56.410|       0|     0| 11.414|     61.623
RTD|      9.243|     25.842|     54.452|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.285|     26.535|     54.701|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.326|     26.546|     54.409|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.368|     26.472|     52.284|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.409|     26.455|     53.867|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.409|     26.570|     54.784|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.325|     26.518|     54.367|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.325|     26.566|     52.492|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.241|     26.803|     53.616|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.408|     26.506|     53.783|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.324|     26.520|     54.407|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.282|     26.762|     52.616|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.365|     26.757|     53.657|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.323|     26.326|     53.657|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623
RTD|     14.406|     26.473|     55.907|       0|     0| 9.243|     61.623

Thank you for your help.

Best Regards
Davide Brunelli

*Electronic Vbm Group*
e-mail: electron...@vbm-grp.com <mailto:electron...@vbm-grp.com>

Vbm Group <http://service.vbm-grp.com/signature/logogrp.png>

Vbm Group Vbm Group Vbm Group

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Il 04/12/2019 12:10, Jan Kiszka ha scritto:
On 04.12.19 12:01, Electronic Dept. - Vbm Group via Xenomai wrote:
I'm using a Beaglebone black and I'm doing the first tests with Xenomai.
I've created a kernel patched with Xenomai from here:

and installed Xenomai libraries following:

I've made a test file named cyclic_test.c and the following Makefile:

MAIN_SRC= cyclic_test
TARGET    = cyclic_test

SKIN     := alchemy
CFLAGS     := $(shell /usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-config --skin=$(skin) --cflags)
LDFLAGS := $(shell /usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-config --skin=$(skin) --ldflags)
CC     := $(shell /usr/xenomai/bin/xeno-config --cc)

     $(CC) -o $@ $< $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)

     @rm $(MAIN_SRC)

And I get the following response:

gcc -o cyclic_test cyclic_test.c -I/usr/xenomai/include/cobalt
clude -march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3 -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_REENTRANT
-tables -D__COBALT__ -Wl,--no-as-needed
/usr/xenomai/lib/xenomai/bootstrap.o -Wl,--wrap=main
omai/lib/dynlist.ld -L/usr/xenomai/lib -lcobalt -lmodechk -lpthread -lrt
armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3
/tmp/ccNmb1Fm.o: In function `rt_timer_read':
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0xe): undefined reference to `clockobj_get_time'
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x20): undefined reference to `alchemy_clock'
/tmp/ccNmb1Fm.o: In function `loop_task_proc':
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `rt_task_self'
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x40): undefined reference to `rt_task_inquire'
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x76): undefined reference to `rt_task_set_periodic'
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0xc4): undefined reference to `rt_task_wait_period'
/tmp/ccNmb1Fm.o: In function `main':
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x11c): undefined reference to `rt_task_create'
cyclic_test.c:(.text+0x12e): undefined reference to `rt_task_start'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:10: recipe for target 'cyclic_test' failed
make: *** [cyclic_test] Error 1

Can you advise me plase?
Thank you very much.
You are missing "-lalchemy" in your linker flags. Normally, xeno-config
--skin=alchemy --ldflags returns this, at least for me here with both
latest stable and the 3.1-rc. What version are you using?


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