You could try patch from http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/XERCESC-1242
As I can see the problem is similar.

Good luck !

Weber, Claus. wrote:
hi all,

our xerces crashes while parsing with schema.

we use xerces c++ version 2.5

the problem:

our xml-file contains coordinates like <coords>1.1,1.1 2.2,2.2 3.3,3.3</coords>
with different number of coordinates within the tag

It should be a repetition of with blanks/tabs/returns separated tupels of floating point numbers, where the floating point numbers in a tupel are separated with a comma.

for this we define a schema pattern:


this pattern works fine for smaller amount of text data.

but when the number of coordinates is getting long (about 1800 coordinate repeats) xerces crashs !!
maybe a heap overflow ?

in my opinion the crash depends not on the length of the text element
but on the number of coord repeats.

if we comment out this pattern in our schema xerces parses without any problem.
so it's the number of coordinates combined with our schema pattern.

any guess ? thx in advance

claus j. weber

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