James and Jessie,

Thanks for the help. About 20 minutes after I posted the question, I got the *brilliant* idea to download the source tar file and see what it contained. Lo and behold, there was the MacOS code! Doh!

Anyway, I got it yesterday and built with Xcode. I have also built and tested the DOMPrint example. (And I built my first Mac app a week ago, so the ease of building these was really great.)

Thank you very much, and thanks to everyone who has made the Mac port a reality.

- Rush

James Berry wrote:


There are no supplied, pre-built Xerces binaries for Mac OS X.

As Jesse says, there are a number of supported ways of building Xerces for Mac OS X. The most likely these days are the Xcode build and the traditional command line/make build.

Another way to get Xerces for Mac OS X would be through one of the port systems. I know that darwinports (http://www.darwinports.org) supports Xerces; fink may too.


On Feb 8, 2005, at 8:45 AM, Jesse Pelton wrote:

I think you'll need to download and build the source.  Go to
http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/download.cgi and click the mirror link in
the second paragraph.  (You can select another mirror farther down the
page.)  You'll probably want xerces-c-src_2_6_0.tar.gz.  Then go back to
the Xerces download page and follow the directions under "Verify the
integrity of the files."
Assuming everything checks out, you can proceed to building
(http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/build-winunix.html#UNIX).  I'm not a Mac
developer, but I know people have been through the process, because
there have been mailing list messages (search the mail archives for
"macintosh") and bug reports on the subject.
I hope that helps!

-----Original Message-----
From: Rush Manbert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 8:23 PM
To: xerces-c-dev@xml.apache.org
Subject: Xerces newbie asks: How to get the Mac OS 10 Release?
I think that I have read everything I can on the site, but I
can't find
anything that tells me how to get the Mac OS 10 code. Is there a tar
file available or do I need to get it from the CVS repository?
I apologize if I've been blind, I really have spent a long
time looking
before finally giving up and posting here.

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