
Are you happy to take this on Jason? Do you require any help from anyone?


James Berry wrote:

As the first stage of a modernization program, I'm proposing that we get our conversion of svn out of the way.

I will call for a vote that we do so, but first I'd like to get a volunteer from among the commiters for who will take charge and responsibility of this process.

Once we have somebody who'll step up to the plate to do this, we'll call for a vote that we'll actually do so. All expressions so far have
been positive, so I think it's pretty much a forgone conclusion that we will make the conversion.

Guidelines from apache are here: http://www.apache.org/dev/cvs2svn.html. Note that there's a recommended layout for svn repositories (tags, branches, trunk) in the
subversion book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.1/ch04s07.html#svn-ch-4-sect-7.1. Part of this job is to specify a mapping between our current cvs repository, and our new layout within svn, as illustrated here: http://www.apache.org/dev/cvs2svn.html#sample.

Who can volunteer for this job?

(Jason Stewart writes:

I have a fair amount of SVN knowledge - Xerces-P was the first Apache
XML project to use subversion, and I manage a number of other SVN
repos around the world.

If I can be of help here, let me know and I will do what I can.

;)  Hint, hint... ;)


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