On February 16, 2005, Gareth Reakes wrote:
>> In a standalone='yes' case with an external DTD, the author(s)
>> are implicitly saying:
>>     1) the DTD is useful for validation
>>     2) the DTD is not required for well-formedness checking
>>        and its processing would not modify document information.
>> In such a case, it might be nice not to process the external DTD.
> Unfortunately they may not be correct. They may not even have control 
> over the DTD. A validating parser is supposed to report that they were 
> not correct if it does look at the external subset.

Sure - that's true for validating.
But I'm talking about non-validating processing.

For example, Xerces is a dual mode parser: it can operate in validating
mode, or in non-validating (well-formedness checking) mode.

In non-validating mode, if standalone='yes' there is by definition
no value in processing the external subset, per section 2.9 of the XML spec:
  In a standalone document declaration, the value "yes" indicates that there
  are no external markup declarations which affect the information passed
  from the XML processor to the application.

I think that it is reasonable behavior for the parser to act
on the supplied value for 'standalone'.


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