On Apr 16, 2010, at 7:48 AM, Fr. Michael Gilmary wrote:

> Herbert Schulz wrote:
>> I really wanted to use memoir but I mostly write articles using (a variant 
>> of) the article class and memoir's emulation of the article class still had 
>> leading chapter numbers (0, of course) in section numbers, etc. Maybe that 
>> can be changed but I found it discouraging.
> Hi Herb:
> Using \setsecnumdepth is one way to avoid the numbers with chapters/sections 
> , etc. I think this will work for your interests ... check memman.pdf to be 
> sure.
> HTH.


But shouldn't the [article] option to memoir set all of that up to get the 
emulation correct?

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
(herbs at wideopenwest dot com)

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