23/07/10 @ 17:12 (+0200), thus spake enrico.grego...@univr.it:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > Is it possible to generate fake old-style figures & small
> > capitals for fonts missing these glyphs with XeTeX.
> > I used to use the mathpoz package that does exactly that,
> > but something tells me it's not compatible with XeTeX.
> I guess it's the "mathpazo" package, for Palatino. You can
> substitute the text font with the TeX Gyre version:
> \usepackage{mathpazo}
> \setmainfont[Numbers=OldStyle]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
> With declarations in this order, XeLaTeX should be happy: and indeed it is,
> I've tried compiling the documentation of amsmath and all goes well.

I'll have to study this in more detail.
I thought that "mathpazo" generated the small-caps and old-style
figures by itself, but it seems that it doesn't. It simply selects
another font wich is URW Palladio with real small-caps and old-style
figures added. I don't know what's the point in having a version of
URW Palladio without small-caps and another one with, all in the
same LaTeX installation.


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