On Tue 27th Jul, 2010 at 11:37, Peter Dyballa seems to have written:

Am 27.07.2010 um 02:36 schrieb Ernest Adrogué:

I don't know what's the point in having a version of
URW Palladio without small-caps and another one with, all in the
same LaTeX installation.

The point is that TeX fonts can only have 128 code points. (Virtual fonts can have up to twice as much, but are not supported in XeTeX.)

This was once true but has not been true for some time, has it? It is
possible to use T1 with Latin Modern, for example, although this does
not use virtual fonts and T1 contains 256 slots.

Or is it that this requires eTeX (vs TeX)?

- cfr

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