On 2010-09-30 07:10:07 +0930, Philipp Stephani <st_phil...@yahoo.de> said:

[Beginners] don't know what a text file or a text editor is, they have never heard the word "Unicode", and they have never used a programming language before. What they need are step- by-step instructions that tell them, in simple words, how to create TeX documents. If TeXworks/TeXshop is included in TeX Live and is good enough, then there is no reason to mention other e!

This is the important point, I think. TeXworks is *included* in MiKTeX and TeX Live for all platforms. IMHO, I think any comments that you're going to make along these lines should be

"MiKTeX and TeX Live both include the TeXworks program for writing your XeTeX and LaTeX documents and viewing their typeset output. You are not restricted to using TeXworks, however; a list of known editors that supports XeTeX are ..."

I agree with others who said this isn't the place to go into much detail about which editor they're using. Just point them in the right direction, and TeXworks is the easiest to get started with *because they don't have to install anything else*.


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