Sorry, I replied prematurely. I did have to change my document to







\setmainfont[Script=Cyrillic,Language=Serbian]{Minion Pro}


\fontsize{24}{24}\selectfont Убить!


to get the Serbian variant, and you're right.

I've also tested it with a plain XeTeX variant:

\font\samplefont = "Minion Pro:script=cyrl;language=SRB" at 72bp


\setbox0 \hbox{Убить!}



The font has the kerning definition:

@kc38_first_29 = [\uni040E \uni0423 \uni0474 ];
@kc38_second_16 = [\uni0435 \uni043E \uni0441 \uni0444 \uni0451 \uni0454
\uni0473 \uni0431.ital ];
pos @kc38_first_29 @kc38_second_16 -118;

and the kerning pair in question is \uni0423\uni0431.ital

So it should be kerned with the value -118. Unfortunately, it does seem
like the rendered kerning value is deeper than that.


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