I'm sure '10in' is a mistake - rather 10pt?

And try replacing

\hbox to \parindentFFN {}


\hbox to \parindentFFN{\hfill}

(no space after FFN).

I would also replace



\@thefnmark.\kern 0.5em #1

Otherwise the ~ will give a variable space after each footnote-cue, whereas it will look much better if there is a consistent space between each cue and the text of the footnote (it doesn't have to be 0.5em: you could say 5pt, or whatever you think will look best).

But I don't speak LaTeX either, and you may be doing something else wrong!


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alessandro Ceschini" <alessandroceschini...@gmail.com>
To: "Customizing footnote markers" <xetex@tug.org>
Sent: 05 June 2011 16:32
Subject: [XeTeX] Customizing footnote markers

So should it look like this:

   \renewcommand \@makefntext [1]%
           \leavevmode \hbox to \parindentFFN {}\@thefnmark.~#1%

It doesn't work, anyhow.


                         Alessandro Ceschini

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