
Ulrike Fischer <ne...@nililand.de> wrote:

> Why don't you do it?

Well, because then I do not know how to obtain bold italic font in mathematical
environment, and because I am loosing Greek symbols.

   Actually, I am not more found about one package or another. The reason I have
started to use Isomath is Bm does not work properly with Mathspec. For now on,
what I want is to be able to obtain bold italic font in mathematical
environments, including bold italic font for Greek symbols, with XeLaTeX, if
possible in a way that is compatible with LuaLaTeX. In fact, I do not really
care about what package I am using to achieve this goal. Also, I try to use
UTF-8 as much as I can.

   So, in fact, my question is: what is the best way to obtain bold italic font
in mathematical environments, including bold italic font for Greek symbols, when
you are using Mathspec?

   Best regards.


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