Perhaps this will help?

There are some conversion utilities available from to bring old
legacy encodings into Unicode; see here:

where they talk about mapping files. But one would need to know the
nature of the legacy encoding first... (they have tools to define a
conversion if necessary, though I've not used them).


>>> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at  8:13 AM, in message
<>, Petr Tomasek
> On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 02:09:20PM +0800, Ross Moore wrote:
>> Hi Nathan,
>> On 16/10/2011, at 1:40 PM, Nathan Camillo Sidoli wrote:
>> > I am editing a book of collected papers from a number of different
> and I have a paper that is originally in LaTeX with some Hebrew,
which is
> input in ascii.
>> What exactly do you mean by "input in ascii"?
> I don't known what exactly used the author in question but
> there existed several "encodings" of Hebrew which used "ascii"
> codepoints for Hebrew characters bound to a particular font.
> See e.g. the "bwhebb" fonts, the "responsa" fonts and other..
> Additionaly, some of them had to be encoded "LTR", i.e. causing
> problems if more that a single word was quoted and a line-break
> occured in between the Hebrew words...
>> Are these (La)TeX control-sequence names?
>> If so, then there must be a package or style-file that
>> interprets these sequences, mapping to font-characters
>> in some legacy font.
>> Can you please provide an example of one of these papers?
>> Don't send it all, but include everything from the start,
>> down to  \begin{document}  and some paragraphs within the body.
>> Also include the very end, where the  \end{document}  occurs,
>> and any special (non-content) coding that may be there.
>> >
>> > Is there a map for converting ascii to unicode for Hebrew (along
the lines
> of
>> Are you planning to use XeTeX (XeLaTeX) as the processor?
>> If so, please reply to the XeTeX list (copied here) as there
>> may be people there who can help --- especially with the RTL
>> aspect of Hebrew typesetting.
>> If there is a standard package involved, then maybe the macros
>> it defines should be supported by the  Xunicode  package, which
>> provides back-compatibility for XeTeX with such legacy methods.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> >
>> > Nathan
>> Hope this helps,
>>      Ross
>> Ross Moore
>> Mathematics Department                           office: E7A-419
>> Macquarie University                             tel: +61 (0)2 9850
>> Sydney, Australia  2109                          fax: +61 (0)2 9850
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