On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 5:33 PM, Paul Isambert <zappathus...@free.fr> wrote:

>  Le 30/10/2011 06:25, Vafa Khalighi a écrit :
> > XeTeX font support is heaps better and stable than what luaotfload
> > package offers and I guess that is why many users still like using
> > xetex instead luatex. I personally believe that it is a bad practice
> > that luaotfload just copies ConTeXt code, it should not be deeply
> > dependent on ConTeXt because Hans may want to try experimenting with
> > some features today and next day he gets rid of them just like the
> > recent updates of luaotfload that Khaled talked about it. I think,
> > this is awful! What should users who used those features (and need it
> > heavily in their daily typesetting tasks, do?). They wake up one day
> > and suddenly see that yes, luaotfload does not provide the features
> > they need. luaotfload needs to be written from scratch independent of
> > any ConTeXt code.
> An independent fontloader could very well be unstable too. But anyway I
> suppose this will happen some day; relying on Hans's code is the only
> solution for the moment, because nobody has written a public alternative
> (and writing such an alternative is no simple task), but I don't suppose
> it will remain so.
> As far as I'm concerned, I don't use luaotfload but my own fontloader.
> It is not public for the moment because it doesn't do much more than
> what I need to do. But I have good hope that somebody will some day come
> with a full solution; or perhaps different people will write partial
> solutions (someone could write something for latin typography, somebody
> else could devise an arabic fontloader, and so on and so forth). The
> problem is, it's easier to blame luaotfload for its uncertain status
> than to sit down and write a replacement; so please let's not forget
> that without luaotfload LuaTeX wouldn't be different from PDFTeX as far
> as fonts are concerned.
> Best,
> Paul
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