On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 07:37:00PM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> 2011/10/28 Khaled Hosny <khaledho...@eglug.org>:
> > On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 05:57:20PM +0200, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> > I don't know much about Indic scripts, all I know is that we have no
> > special code for Indic shaping, so if things work then it works because
> > it relies on generic OpenType features that require no special handling
> > from the engine.
> >
> Sorry for the noise, I was not careful enough to look and forgot that
> I see the XeLaTeX result, not lualatex. The rendering is not correct
> and when I tried a real Hindi text (a few poems) it looks really
> terribly. I know the rules for Devanagari but do not know where to
> plug them in. My knowledge of luatex is almost zero, I have just
> passed Taco's lua tutorial last year on CM at Brejlov. Lua as a
> language will not be difficult for me (I already know Algol, PL/I, C,
> C++, Perl, PHP, Pascal, Java, Tcl), I just have to learn lua's TeX
> interface.

I think it would not be hard to convince Hans to write the code once he
is given a clear specification (but that would require familiarity with
OpenType and how it handles Indic shaping as well) and someone who can
do the testing.


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