On Wed, 15 Feb 2012, maxwell wrote:
> The SIL Scheherazade font covers all the characters in the Unicode Arabic
> script block (not the presentation forms).  Afaik, that includes all
> Persian (Pashto, Urdu, Punjabi...) characters, in the Naskh style.  There
> are a few Arabic script chars used in African languages that it does not

There's more to covering a language correctly than having glyphs for all
the code points.  Not all languages can use the SAME glyph for any given
code point, and in scripts with complex layout there might also be
differences in the layout features. This issue shows up especially often
between CJK languages, but I imagine it would also be applicable between
Arabic and Persian.  It even shows up between English and German - the
ligature rules are different even if the character set and glyphs
are (almost) the same.
Matthew Skala
msk...@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.

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