On 25/03/2014 09:03, I write (to XeTeX-Bounces, not to the correct list
address) the message below.  Ross Moore kindly offered an off-list
answer, but basically that was suggesting to use the XeLaTeX interface
to the features in which I was interested and to use TeX's debugging
tools to try to ascertain what was going on at the primitive level;
in the case of hyperlinks, I failed to achieve this (see below).

I then discovered (to my chagrin) that I had asked a very similar
question on 04/10/2012 09:06, and Jonathan Kew had kindly responded

The clues you're looking for can be found in the archives of this list:
see http://tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2010-May/016465.html.

Jonathan was (of course) perfectly correct in that clues could indeed
be found in the message to which he refers, but there seems a more
important question which remains unresolved :

Why are these key XeTeX primitives (\XeTeXprotrudechars, \rpcode, etc)
not documented in /The XƎTEX reference guide/ ?   Will, Khaled,
Jonathan :  can you comment on this, and will these (and any other
currently undocumented primitives) be documented in the version of
/The XƎTEX reference guide/ which accompanies TeX Live 2014 ?

As regards the hyperlink question, I still remain totally unclear
how this can be addressed at the primitive level; I have
successfully embedded hyperlinks using "eplain.tex", but that
has very undesirable side-effects and I prefer not to be
dependent on auxilliary libraries; could anyone please tell me
how hyperlinks can be successfully created in raw XeTeX source
code ?

Many thanks in advance :
Philip Taylor

My sincere apologies for asking what may well be a couple of FAQs, but
ever increasingly any attempt to search for information concerning
TeX, PdfTeX or XeTeX returns information relevant only to LaTeX,
PdfLaTeX or XeLaTeX [1].

So, that said, could some kind person please remind me how to

(a) embed hyperlinks in XeTeX source
(b) enable character protrusion and/or marginal kerning (ditto).

The "and/or" is because I am not clear whether they are the same thing.

The document returned by "TeXdoc XeTeX", which commences

The XƎTEX reference guide
Will Robertson Khaled Hosny
May 21, 2013

does not contain any mention of any of these features.

Many thanks in advance :
Philip Taylor
[1] "Use language like a surgeon's scalpel, not like a chainsaw",
wrote someone with whom I very strongly agree.  If only those
seeking information concerning LaTeX, PdfLaTeX or XeTeX could
use those words in their questions, rather than omitting the
vital "La" element, search engines such as Google would be far
more effective in returning the information that I seek rather
than (as now) a great deal of information that is completely

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