Hi Phil,

Have you ever tried

    \input miniltx.tex

This then allows a subset of LaTeX structural commands and internals to be used 
without the documentclass stuff — which is what I think you detest most.
Now many LaTeX packages can be loaded and used, without problems, in what are 
otherwise plain TeX documents. Just use, e.g.


as in a LaTeX document.

I'm pretty sure that  graphics.sty  and  graphicx.sty  are usable this way, and 
also  hyperref.sty ,
and its driver files, including  hdvipdfmx.def  — I think this is the correct 

Now all the documentation you want about hyperlinks is in the book The LaTeX 
Web Companion,  or in the PDFs built from the .dtx  documentation files for the 
LaTeX packages. 
Use the  texdoc  command to access these.

Beware that not all LaTeX packages work this way. That will depend upon what 
the authors of the packages have used internally. There can be inter-package 
dependencies, ultimately leading back to the parts of LaTeX that you have not 
loaded. You have to just try things out, and use what works, perhaps keeping 
records of what does or does not.

Hope this helps,


On 15/04/2014, at 19:07, Philip Taylor <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk> wrote:

> Khaled Hosny wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 12:58:23PM +0100, Philip Taylor wrote:
>>> Why are these key XeTeX primitives (\XeTeXprotrudechars, \rpcode, etc)
>>> not documented in /The XƎTEX reference guide/ ?   Will, Khaled,
>>> Jonathan :  can you comment on this, and will these (and any other
>>> currently undocumented primitives) be documented in the version of
>>> /The XƎTEX reference guide/ which accompanies TeX Live 2014 ?
>> From me: simply because I know near nothing about them.
> Fully understood.  In that case, may I ask Jonathan where these primitives 
> are, in fact, documented, so that Khaled and Will can
> potentially make use of this information if they choose to
> prepare a TeX Live 2014 edition of /The XƎTEX reference guide/ ?
> Also, are there any other currently undocumented XeTeX primitives,
> and where can be found any information on embedding hyperlinks
> using XeTeX ?
> Philip Taylor
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