On 2014-09-03 17:44, Jonathan Kew wrote:
Sounds like it'd be worth filing a bug report on this, as it certainly
looks like incorrect behavior. Perhaps Jiang or Khaled would have time
to track down exactly what's happening here.

Thanks, I've done this (Khaled of course already knows about the problem), including a test file, and mentioning your suggestion:
Maybe it's getting confused because Nikosh has the
(relatively rare, I think) "No subsetting" flag set there?

BTW, this issue happens when an explicit xdvipdfmx command is used--either on the command line (after xelatex was run with the -no-pdf parameter), or as an -output-driver option on xelatex. For some reason, the issue does not happen when xelatex is called on the input file and produces an output PDF--the font is embedded. Does that mean that xelatex by default ignores font licensing restrictions? (The resulting PDF does subset the font, which is probably not the correct result if the "no subsetting" restriction in the font is taken at face value.)

   Mike Maxwell

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