> > the problem should be reported to the
> > authors of the "fontspec" and "LaTeX2e" packages, as it is
> > probable that the problem lies solely therein.
> That LaTeX2e is involved is very improbable. fontspec could be
> involved as it uses the * as a wildcard in some places.

Alright, I have filed the bug on the fontspec bug tracker:


If that doesn't go anywhere, I will try at latex2e's (their bug tracker
is much more active than fontspec's).

As another workaround, I have managed to change the font family name in
the OTF files of Jost* using the following fontforge python script:

   import fontforge
   import sys

   for fontname in sys.argv[1:]:
       font = fontforge.open(fontname)
       font.familyname = "Jost"

After installing the generated "starless" fonts, I can use them with
xelatex as "Jost" (without asterisk).

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