> You could use the ATI drivers under any distribution and any kernel
> (2.4). 
> use the rpm2targz 
> decompress the archive and install it

why so complicated? no RPM on your system?

you can even install it via RPM regardless of your kernel version. 
only to the exsitance of the RPM program is a weak requirement.

debian users probalbly make use of the "alien" tool.

> go into the directory  /lib/modules/fglrx/build_mod  
> sh make.sh
> cd ..
> sh make_install.sh
> it will compile the drivers for your kernel.

the provided kernel modules are "samples" and ease of use
for folks that use standard installation 
and never do update their Linux kernel.

for anyone else there is the mentioned subdir,
which only builds parts of the fglrx kernel module,
but in no way it builds the whole driver!

i hope you are running now.


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