I've installed a recent (2/15/03) CVS version of XFree86 on my x86
Linux 2.4.20 system with Freetype 2.1.4rc1.  My video hardware is a
Dell 1800FP LCD display with an ATI Radeon 7500 QW card.  I'm
experimenting with Xft-based fonts, but I've run into some trouble and
hence am looking for suggestions.

I don't particularly like the antialiased fonts that I get from Xft at
small sizes (12 points or less) -- they look a blurry to me, and the
color aberration that comes from enabling LCD subpixel rendering gives
me a headache.  Hence, I've been trying to teach Xft to render small
text without antialiasing, while still beautifying larger text (a la
MS Windows).  I can get fontconfig to do this for me, but the
resulting non-antialiased fonts are rendered noticeably worse by Xft
than by the core X rendering engine with the "freetype" module.  For
an example with Mozilla rendering MS Verdana at 12 points, please see



The first screenshot is of Mozilla built with Xft rendering enabled,
while the second is the same text using X's usual rendering mechanism
with the Freetype backend.  The Xft text is noticeably blockier and
more uneven than the non-Xft text.  Both Xft and the core renderer
call the same Freetype library, so I assume they've configured
the library differently.

Can anyone suggest either (1) an appropriate fontconfig incantation or
(2) a patch to the flags Xft uses to call the Freetype glyph renderer
that would make non-AA text rendered with Xft look as nice as the same
text rendered without Xft?  I did try to implement the modifications
suggested in the Freetype 2.1.3 release notes with no visible effect,
but I'm not sure I did it correctly.

                                                 Thanks in advance,

PS - I've had the same problem using earlier versions of Freetype
(both 2.1.3 and the slightly older version shipped with XFree86).

PPS - if it matters, I'm using Freetype's autohinter rather than the
patent-encumbered TTF hinting engine.
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