I figured it out.

first, ensure you have agp in the kernel, as:

   device          agp  

then the xf86config should be like:


and finally, and perhaps the most important, the freebsd 4.7/4.8 ports
collection of mga_drv.o (etc) are BAD and don't work! ;-(  I used the
mgadrivers-2.0.tgz file from the matrox site instead, and even though they
'seem' to be linux drivers, they work fine on freebsd!  move them to
/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers and then startx.

that's what did it for me.  I now have xinerama working on freebsd
just like it did on linux ;-)  even the usb scroll mouse works.  happy.

(please ignore any YAHOO trailers in this email.)

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