I don't see how software has anything to do with this. 
Perhaps you need a new prescription.


On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, RB wrote:

> Hello,
> I've used many Linux distros ( Mandrake,redhat, Suse) and all of them seem to fall 
> short when it comes to producing a CRISP screen for viewing. It also seems a bit 
> blurred and the white background is just not crisp when compared to WindowsXX 
> installation on the same machine. 
> Currently i'm using Suse 8.1 and have a Nvidia Riva TNT2 model 64 graphics card. 
> Suse recognizes it and i have the resolution set to 1024x768, color depth 24 bit. 
> Yet the screen seems a bit blurred and not very crisp. I've tried other graphics 
> cards and other PCs and it always like this.  I've even used other monitors. No 
> matter what i try it never compares to the windows machine i have sitting right next 
> to me with the same graphic cards installed.
> Is there some setting that can help with this or is it the nature of Linux using the 
> Xwindow?? 
> Best regards. 
> RB
> 2003-06-20
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