Mark Vojkovich writes:
 > On Mon, 7 Jul 2003, Daniel Stone wrote:
 > > On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 12:07:10PM +0100, Aldous Everard wrote:
 > > > Is this the sort of emails you want to this list?  Suggest blocking
 > > > CheapWarez
 > > 
 > > If every single spammer to this list got blocked, it'd take half an hour
 > > for every message to pass the killfile check.
 >   I'd like to know how it made it to this list in the first place.
 > This is a member's only list.  You can't post unless you subscribe.
 > Are spammers subscribing?  Or do they just happen to spam with
 > forged "From" addresses that happen to be subscribed?

No, [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't a members only list.
It is for everybody to send in support questions.
We don't require these people to subscribe themselves.

One could probably think about a 'opt-in' method where 
people who are not subscribed have to respond to notification 
before their message is sent to the list.

At least for me this creates the problem that when I resond to an 
email on this list (doing a 'respond all') my mailer only uses the 
addresses from the Reply-To: and the Cc: fields.
If the original author hasn't added himself to Cc: and is not
on the list he will not get the reply unless I add it by hand
- which I often forget.
I don't know if any of this can be fixed in mailman but I'm
sure it could be fixed by some mail pre- and post-processing.

If we can agree that we want something like this and on what
we want we can probably find a volunteer who'd hack this for 

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