
It's a shot it the dark, but...check to see if your kernel has Radeon display support enabled.
I encountered the same symptoms running a distribution kernel (Debian Woody) with a FireGL 1000 Pro Card.
In my case all the virtual consoles went away when _entering_ X with startx. But that wasn't apparent until you exited X.
I built a new kernel with the correct options and, _voila_, the problem went away.

Also, a good reference is:

On Thursday, July 10, 2003, at 01:04 PM, gabebf wrote:

I saw this posted in the groups, but no response there. I start X 4.3.0 from startx, and works fine, but on exit,
I don't have a screen, but i can type "shutdown -r now", blindly, and it works. What is it?

I have an ati radeon 7500, and have the problem on both an lcd and a crt monitor. I'm running fvwm 2.4.15.


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