I would look to see of the Appple monitor is looking for abnormal horz. and vert. sync. ?  also post your /var/log file for X that will help alot to get replies.  I sense the problem is somewhere in scanlines and your sync isnt set right. obviously the server is up... you use ctrl/atl/b.s. to shut it down. did you also run XF86Config? normally if you just put in your vertical and horizontal scan frequencies in there by hand (I never use the predefined ones) the monitor section will allways work.
----- Original Message -----
From: rda
Sent: Saturday, August 02, 2003 11:24 PM
Subject: [XFree86] XFree86 to Apple 17" Studio Display --> only blank screen

[First post -- raw newbie -- please tell me if anything is out of step.]
I have a homebrew PC with a Radeon 7500 driving an Apple 17" Studio Display (LCD -- DVI input)
I have successfully used this hardware w/ Win XP
I have recently installed RH 9 w/ XFree86 4.3.0
I can boot to text mode, but all attempts to start X result in a blank screen. I have scanned multiple sites, done several  Google searches, read lots of documentation and tried _many_ config variations.
To prove the set-up is functional, I have borrowed a Sony LCD display, attached it to the same DVI port and successfully gotten X to work on that.
A review of the log reveals no error messages -- DDC detects the Apple monitor and its settings; the ati and radeon drivers load; DRI is installed.
After loading everything there is the following entry:
Audit [timestamp] ####  X: client # rejected from local host
where #### is a four digit number that varies
    and # is single digit number -- generally 4 or 5
then just two more lines
[drm] removed 1 conserved context for kernel
[drm] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA [hex] at [hex]
Note: I am logged in as root.
Once the blank screen is up, I can only return to console by CTRL-ALT-Backspace.
I assume it is something in the Config file, but I cannot figure out what.
Simple question:
Is there anyone who has seen XFree86 driving this monitor?
If so, what was the video card and what were the Config settings?
I am obviously open to suggestions. This is potentially a deal-breaker for my running Linux at this point as I can't afford to change monitors just to resolve this.
Many thanks in advance.

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