I would like to use a single Matrox G400 PCI AGP interface with two
monitors and XFree86 4.3.0 on a Linux 2.4.20 system. Is this
configuration supported?

When I adjust the configuration of /etc/X11/XF86Config, and reference
the usual mga driver (Driver "mga" in the "Device" section), the X
server will start but tells me that I must use the mga_hal driver.

I have retrieved the file mga_hal_drv.o from www.matrox.com, installed
it and restarted the X server. The latest version of mga_hal appears
to be built for XFree86 4.2.0. Must the mga_hal_drv.o be built
specifically for XFree86 4.3.0 in order to be usable?

Where can I find an example of XF86Config and a copy of mga_hal_drv
which will support two monitors on one G400 interface for XFree86

Bill Mania
dum vivimus vivamus
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