Well, if linux is just for work, do you really need the capabilities of
the drivers? I'd just buy a Nvidia card and use the vesa or 'nv' driver,
and then get the latest drivers for you gaming in Win-blows. IMO, you
can't beat the geforce4 series when it comes to bang for the buck. a
Ti4200 is ~$100 and in my opinion has outstanding performance for that
kind of price. And it works flawlessly in linux too. get ~ 90fps in
quake3 and counterstrike with 2xQ antialiasing turned on.

In Windows, i've yet to find anything i'm disappointed w/ the
performance of yet(as far as games go). I can't run Unreal 2003 at
1600x1200 like my friend w/ a geforceFX 5950 can...but it's still very
playable at 1024x768.

For gaming i'd stay away from ATI cards...i've seen a lot of 3d errors
from even the newer cards. (invisible walls, walls that aren't supposed
to be there, funky lighting effects, etc)

computer specs FWIW
Linux box - Gentoo on Dell P4 1.3Ghz, 256Mb RD800, IBM Deathstar 40Gb
ATA/100, Geforce4 Ti4200 (running nvidia binary drivers for 2.6 kernel)

Windows box - Gigabyte GA7VT600 1394, Athlon 2800XP+, Corsair 512MB
DDR400 CL2, WD 40Gb ATA/133, WinXP (53.03 nvidia drivers)

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 04:45, Per Dalgas Jakobsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm about to buy a new computer, and I'm unsure of what graphics card to
> buy.
> Price should be less than $200 if possible.
> The system will have dual-boot configuration:
> Windows for gaming.
> Linux for (real) work.
> Currently I have a NVIDIA-card, but I do not want to buy another card, where
> I have to use binary drivers for my Linux-box :-(
> The optimal card would be very cheap, outperform everything under both
> Windows and Linux, using open source drivers under Linux.
> Any suggestions of what to buy that comes near the above?
> Thanks in advance
> Best regards
> Per
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