On Tue, Mar 02, 2004 at 10:58:58PM +0100, Luca Capello wrote:
>Hash: SHA1
>on 03/02/04 21:54, David Dawes wrote:
>> The answer is to bypass the middle man and go straight to the
>> source.  I'd like to see a range of package formats available from
>> the XFree86 ftp site so that people can more easily exercise their
>> freedom to run what they want without their vendor's "approval."
>IMHO this is not the point: even ATM you can run XFree86 w/o your vendor's
>"approval", you have just to grab the sources and compile them by yourself. And
>you're in completeley *freedom* do to that, AFAIK with all the distributions, as
>no one forces you to use Debian|RedHat|Mandrake|* packages in place of sources.
>But I think that in theory a distribution maintainer for XFree86 should know
>XFree86 on that distribution better than any other XFree86 developer, so he's
>the first address for any problem which could be specific to that distribution.
>And IMHO this is surely a real added value.
>On the other hand, even if XFree86 provides different package formats, how can
>you be sure that they will be completely integrated in the different
>distributions? I mean, about dependencies, platforms, libraries and so on... If
>I install the XFree86 4.4.0 package on my Debian and some other software
>installed don't work anymore because some conflicts? Should I manually compile
>the non-working softwares or the XFree86 itself? Again, IMHO this is a
>distribution-specific work, not an XFree86 one.

Everyone can make their own choice.  I am interested in providing
more choices.

I also want to let everyone here know that XFree86 is committed to
providing our software to the general public, with or without the
cooperation of the distributions.

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