On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Vincent wrote:

Some distributions have no problem with configuring the X session I
want to see (debian Sarge and Zenwalk come to mind).   Many others
give me 640x480 resolution made much worse with pixel stuttering
stretched to the native 800x600 LCD resolution.

I'm assuming the distribution simply didn't install XFree86 correctly.
The idea of a failed native install for my XServer crossed my mind,

I'd love to resolve this problem for my installation with xubuntu.
That's the distribution I'd really like to use for this laptop.  I'm
looking up the man pages for xorg.conf   I'm also reading a few
threads on ubuntuforums that'll help me.

I'm very focused on resolving the problem using boot parameters
especially for the live distributions.  SLAX, BeatrIX, and BitDefender
Live, and KNOPPIX  have given me the nasty 640x480 stuttered image.
I've tried fb800x600, screen=800x600, probably used the incorrect
settings for hsync and vsync and am still looking up how to change to
color depth on the monitor.   Changing Xserver and Xmodule didn't help
me either.

I've used a docking station for all of my misadventures and plugged
into Ethernet with a 3Com PC Card instead of the docking station's
Ethernet port.  There's also 192 MB and 4 GB on the hard drive.

I'd really welcome any more thoughts, because I'd love to try out some
of the live distributions on my 7010CT.    Thanks for reading.  I'm
looking forward to the replies!

You talk of an xorg.conf on an XFree86 mailing list. Does XFree86 4.6.0 exhibit the same problem?


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