On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 02:37:56PM -0400, Vincent wrote:
>I'm afraid my talents and knowledge with Linux are extremely light.
>They extend only as far as parts of the installation and
>administrative processes (like sudo).
>I don't know if XFree86 4.6.0 exhibits the same problem.   I may need
>some time to answer the question on xubuntu - Zenwalk is resident on
>that Toshiba now, and I'm not sure how to set the proper parameters
>and tweak the proper files to use XFree86 4.6.0

Well, this is an XFree86 list.  XFree86 4.6.0 should, without the need
for any user-configuration, run on a neomagic-based laptop at the native
panel resoultion.  It does for me.


>On 6/13/06, Marc Aurele La France <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On Tue, 13 Jun 2006, Vincent wrote:
>>> Some distributions have no problem with configuring the X session I
>>> want to see (debian Sarge and Zenwalk come to mind).   Many others
>>> give me 640x480 resolution made much worse with pixel stuttering
>>> stretched to the native 800x600 LCD resolution.
>>> I'm assuming the distribution simply didn't install XFree86 correctly.
>>> The idea of a failed native install for my XServer crossed my mind,
>>> too.
>>> I'd love to resolve this problem for my installation with xubuntu.
>>> That's the distribution I'd really like to use for this laptop.  I'm
>>> looking up the man pages for xorg.conf   I'm also reading a few
>>> threads on ubuntuforums that'll help me.
>>> I'm very focused on resolving the problem using boot parameters
>>> especially for the live distributions.  SLAX, BeatrIX, and BitDefender
>>> Live, and KNOPPIX  have given me the nasty 640x480 stuttered image.
>>> I've tried fb800x600, screen=800x600, probably used the incorrect
>>> settings for hsync and vsync and am still looking up how to change to
>>> color depth on the monitor.   Changing Xserver and Xmodule didn't help
>>> me either.
>>> I've used a docking station for all of my misadventures and plugged
>>> into Ethernet with a 3Com PC Card instead of the docking station's
>>> Ethernet port.  There's also 192 MB and 4 GB on the hard drive.
>>> I'd really welcome any more thoughts, because I'd love to try out some
>>> of the live distributions on my 7010CT.    Thanks for reading.  I'm
>>> looking forward to the replies!
>>You talk of an xorg.conf on an XFree86 mailing list.  Does XFree86 4.6.0
>>exhibit the same problem?
>>|  Marc Aurele La France           |  work:   1-780-492-9310           |
>>|  Academic Information and        |  fax:    1-780-492-1729           |
>>|    Communications Technologies   |  email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          |
>>|  352 General Services Building   +-----------------------------------+
>>|  University of Alberta           |                                   |
>>|  Edmonton, Alberta               |     Standard disclaimers apply    |
>>|  T6G 2H1                         |                                   |
>>|  CANADA                          |                                   |
>>XFree86 developer and VP.  ATI driver and X server internals.
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