On Thu, 12 Apr 2007, Adrienne Thompson wrote:

I am running RedHat 8.0 3.2-7, with a SIS 620 AGP video card.

I was in the process of loading a large .pcx file in Image Magick when we had a
power cut. On rebooting, I was unable to start X. I am now also unable to print
from the terminal command line.

Can you help me recover? I'm afraid I am not yet a GNU/Linux guru and still
finding my way about after a 2- year long leave of absence :-) I have included
below, inline copies of:

1.    /var/log/XFree86.0.log
2.    /etc/X11/XF86Config
3.    xcrash12.04.07.txt (saved via $ startx >& xcrash12.04.07.txt)
4.    Xfree86version (saved via $ XFree86 -version >& XFree86version)
5.    noprint (saved via $ lpr XFre86version >& noprint)


Could not init font path element unix/:7100, removing from list!

Fatal server error:
could not open default font 'fixed'

This is a common symptom on older Red Hat systems. You need to figure out why your font server (xfs) isn't starting properly.


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