Trying to organise a meeting on IRC or something to discuss the following:
1] Architecture
   The general design goals, etc. We need to get this stuff firmly and
    written down.
2] Tasks
   Who wants to be in charge of what; What needs done; etc.
3] Management
   Do we assign each core member to a 'team' or 'working group', or leave
    it more free form?
4] Working groups
   Private mailing lists for working groups, what sorts of things will be
    sent to them, and what the working groups will be in charge of.

If we could get a discussion going of what time and medium would be best,
it'd be great. "Attendence" is semi-mandatory for Core Team members. IF
you aren't there, you'll have to live with whatever is decided, and make
sure someone is there to express your feelings. Logs of the meeting will
be available.

[ Joseph Mallett           <jmallett@[||]> ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ Proud Open/Free/Net/4.4BSD User; (Obj)C Programmer ] [ ]

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