Next saturday night sometime. That is the time I would suggest.

On Sun, 6 May 2001, Joseph Mallett wrote:

> Trying to organise a meeting on IRC or something to discuss the following:
> 1] Architecture
>    The general design goals, etc. We need to get this stuff firmly and
>     written down.
> 2] Tasks
>    Who wants to be in charge of what; What needs done; etc.
> 3] Management
>    Do we assign each core member to a 'team' or 'working group', or leave
>     it more free form?
> 4] Working groups
>    Private mailing lists for working groups, what sorts of things will be
>     sent to them, and what the working groups will be in charge of.
> If we could get a discussion going of what time and medium would be best,
> it'd be great. "Attendence" is semi-mandatory for Core Team members. IF
> you aren't there, you'll have to live with whatever is decided, and make
> sure someone is there to express your feelings. Logs of the meeting will
> be available.
> --
> [ Joseph Mallett           <jmallett@[||]> ]
> [ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
> [ Proud Open/Free/Net/4.4BSD User; (Obj)C Programmer ] [ ]
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