There is no longer a wishlist.
There _is_ now a bug repository. There's a few features I need to add, but
for the most part, it won't change dramatically. It's available at , and is running orBug, my own personal bug repo
thingo. Once I make a configuration program for it, and the install a bit
less xMach-centric, The source will be available.

Those of you who have CVS commit access (i.e. people on core.html), email
me if you're interested in fixing submitted bugs, etc., and I'll sign you
up for the bug list by hand.


[ Joseph Mallett           <jmallett@[||]> ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ Proud {Free,Net}BSD User; (Obj)C(++) Programmer ] [ ]

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