I know about the time being reset, that absolutely sucks, but I can tell
you as far as I know, right now, real mach_init is broken. Try a symlink
to /sbin/init (you need /etc/rc and such, which is why I rather people put
it on a real /) or do something like:
cd /usr/xMach/etc
rm mach_init
cp /sbin/init ./mach_init
cd ../..
cp /bin/sh bin/

And you SHOULD be able to get a single user shell...
If not, blame ELF.

[ Joseph Mallett            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] [ http://srcsys.org ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ Proud {Free,Net}BSD User; (Obj)C(++) Programmer ] [ http://xMach.org ]

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Aries wrote:

> On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 12:27:24PM -0400, Joseph A. Mallett wrote:
> > Janos: the absolute paths in the links won't be kept if the root
> > filesystem changes. you should physically put a copy of mach_init into
> > /usr/xMach/etc/ and probably change the link for emulator.
> Ok, no it's not rabbiting on mach_init, but the init stills die.
> I'm typing now the output:
> Base is Fri Dec 31 17:1:10 1999
> Current time is Fri Dec 31 17:1:29 1999
> Time is set to Fri Dec 17:1:29 1999
> timer: 4 timeouts adjusted by 0.940000 seconds
> panic: init died
> Kernel Breakpoint trap, eip 0x10c00c
> Dump of i386_saved_state 11b6ae7c:
> EAX 00001004 EBX 10464010 ECX 00002000 EDX 0fff050c
> ESI 0fff29cc EDI 0fff29bc EBP 11b6aec0 ESP 11b6aee0
> CS 0008 SS f17a DS 0010 ES 0010 FS 001f GS 001f
> v86:            DS 1ff0 ES 3afc FS af10 GS af10
> EIP 0010c00c EFLAGS 00000207
> trapno 3: Breakpoint error 00000000
> 137712 18c3b8 15af6c 124339 1395e0 15b54cb 15af0c 134081
> Machine is: AMD T-Bird 900MHz (its default frequency), 256Mbyte RAM,
> FreeBSD 4.3
> bye,
> ps: on a failed boot, the bios (system) clock is set to Dec 31 17:1:10 1999
> --
>     _    _
> |. ( \  / )  |.http://vlug.vein.hu/~aries  - not yet :( -   .|
> |.    \/ries |.       The Flame Machine      .|.br%cmds%cult.|

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