Yes, and that's how I wanted it, for people who have questions but don't
want the traffic the list generates. If you check around you'll find this
is standard policy on Net/Free/OpenBSD lists. If everyone wants it done,
however, it can be done. But let's wait till we get a permanent home for
the list/mail/cvs (they should all be done on the same box for reasons I
can go into if someone really needs it explained). Note, that the list
will be unavailable until monday morning, starting friday night (according
to the building owners, note times are in EDT) because the wiring in the
building (electricity) needs redone.

[ Joseph Mallett            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ] [ ]
[ xMach Core Team         xMach: Proactively Unbloated Microkernel BSD ]
[ FreeBSD, NetBSD, & xMach User; (Obj)C(++) Coder ] [ ]

"One bit over the buffer,
        Sweet jesus,
 One bit over the buffer.
 Sittin in a string at the null terminator
 One bit over the buffer"

On Thu, 17 May 2001, David Yeske wrote:

> You can post to this list without joining?
> --- Taavi Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Perhaps altering the listserv properties so that one has to actually join
> > the list before posting?  (I'm on two LUG lists, and we don't get any
> > spam)
> >
> > taa
> >
> >     Thousands of professors at hundreds of universities
> >     teach all manner of subjects, but there is not one
> >     single university chair for research into child abuse
> >     and cruelty to children.  How strange, when we recall
> >     that the majority of the people living on this earth
> >     are victims of precisely that kind of treatment!
> > --Empathic Parenting, p. 16, Volume 22, Issue 3, Summer 1999
> > /*eof*/
> >
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