I would be more than happy if you took on one of those tasks that we put
in the ReleaseSchedule.txt

Unfortunately, you are right. They are more checkpoints than specific
tasks right now. This is because we had severe troubles with getting the
thing to boot.

As far as I am concerned, right now the most useful task as a coder is to
help us find out exactly where ELF support is broken.

Someone mentioned large disk support is broken. It would be good to test
if this is correct, and fix it if necessary.

If you prefer to do documentation, that is an area, where we need help

So, let me know what you would like to do most, and I am sure we can work
something out.

Thank you,


On Mon, 21 May 2001, Ian Mondragon wrote:

> all -
>   i was wondering if anybody out there in core-team-land would possibly have
> the time to piece together a more specific todo/bugtrack list for xMach?  i
> know that there's gotta be other developers out there who, like myself, want
> to see xMach progress and are willing to devote thier time to helping the
> cause.
> thanks in advance...and lemme know if there's anything i can do.
> - ian mondragon
> --
> @end
> Ian Mondragon  - < copal @ dragonhelix . org >
> < h t t p : // d r a g o n h e l i x . o r g >
> <<< F r e e B S D -- O b j e c t i v e - C >>>

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