jim wrote:

> I'm new to xmail and really enjoy.  I have my server up and
> running to my specifications and now I'm looking to improve
> security and stablity for my users.  My first task is to
> setup a virus scanner.  I've noticed a number of AV scripts
> offered online, I need opinions -- which is the best to use
> and why.  I have a very small server (only ~100 mail users),
> but the machine is Mandrake 8, 1ghz pentium, 384 mb ram. 
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.

This looks like my own setup, I run XMail in Mandrake 8.1 on an P-III 
500Mhz with 384Mb RAM. I run my own script for scanning for viruses. You 
can find it at http://www.lindeman.org/filters.html


What's this "any" key I'm supposed to press?

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