According to the administrative command documentation, the usergetmproc
command is supposed to return a RESSTRING of the format:

"-DDDDD ErrorString"<CR><LF>

if the command fails.

While working on an application library, I kept getting errors whenever I
tried to issue this command.  I then tried using the CtrlClnt application
using the following bash script:

CtrlClnt -s localhost -u root -p ciao \
"usergetmproc"  ""    "testuser"

Instead of the properly formatted RESSTRING, the client displayed these
three lines instead.

ErrCode   = -148
ErrString = Controller response error
ErrInfo   = User mail processing file not present

I was testing my application to see how it would respond if a mail
processing file was not present.  The output is accurate, but I suspect that
this is a minor oversight; the output should have been formatted as a


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