I found the module I am running Win 2k so can't do rpms but I got it
installed and it is still not working no sure if I edited the files
right but I think they are all correct. In most places I added the whole
path to file ie d:\mailroot\scripts\autoreply.pl etc etc...any ideas
what to look for next?

-----Original Message-----
From: Theo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]=20
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2002 3:22 PM
Subject: [xmail] Re: Not truly xmail related

On Thu, 12 Dec 2002 14:14:36 -0600, Troy Rodriguez wrote:

>I got a perl script from http://xmail.thbird.org/perl.php
>That is supposed to autorespond for one of my users however it does not

>respond I get this error:
>Can't locate Mail/sendmail.pm in @INC <@INC contains: d:/perl/lib=20
>d:/perl/site/lib .> at D:\mailroot\scripts\autoreply.pl line 34. line=20
>obviously either I do not have the correct perl module installed or I=20
>need to change something in line 34 of autoreply.pl yet not being a=20
>perl programmer I do not know what to do...
You must install the  Perl-Sendmail module  wich can be found at
cpan.org . The tar.gz  can be found here :
But some Linux distributions (like mandrake)  have also a RPM version
available on CDrom . I think on cpan.org is also a rpm version available
but ii'm not sure ...

Good luck.

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