I've seen this problem several times before with Outlook Express and
Outlook; haven't seen it with any other MUA.

I don't know the root of the problem, however I suspect it's something
to do with Outlook/Express's function of being able to leave mail on the
server & delete it from the server when it's deleted from the
Outlook/Express trash can.  Seems OE is able to tell if a message on the
server is new or previously read, however at times it refuses to
download messages that are waiting on the server.

My advice is drop OE & get something that works & is more secure.  Try
Pegasus; it does plenty that OE can't, will download all your mail, &
won't leave you with a trashed system or other damage due to viruses in
your mail.

Adrian Hicks

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 02:17, Davide Libenzi wrote:
> On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Matic wrote:
> > I have a problem with some clients (2 different organizations (domains), 3
> > different machines, all brand new) who are using Outlook Express 6. The
> > problem is that OE6 doesn't fetch all the mails. Althought the mail is in
> > the XMail's mailbox dir, OE6 dosn't fetch it. I've checked the mail rules
> > and there isn't any rule which could influence this and the account is setup
> > to delete the mail from the server. Mail in the XMail directory is old over
> > a month.
> >
> > When I set up another OE6 on another machine it correctly fetched all the
> > mails, so the reason for not fetching the mail is not bad mail format (as I
> > thought it isn't).
> > In my opinion there is only one possibility to this behaviuor: OE6 has
> > somehow messed up it's mail UID database.
> >
> > But just to be safe, question for you Davide:
> > 1. How does XMail generate UID's for the mail?
> > 2. Can any mail have the same UID if the time is changed? (I have a 15 min
> > interval for synchonization with time server.)
> UID are absolutely uniq, not only in your machine, but worldwide ( at
> least if someone does not set same host names ). no a UID does not change
> once the message goes inside the mailbox.
> - Davide
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