Hello Community

In the case you have Norman Virus Control installed on your W2K, this 
may be of interest:

Seeing the increasing amount of mail containing viruses, I wanted to set 
up a anti-virus filter. Because I have NVC5 installed and updated 
automatically, I wanted to use its command line scanner, which turned 
out being quite tricky.

I finally wrote a little tool as layer between xmail filter and NVC. 
You'll find this tool here: http://www.apsag.com/public/nvcbind.zip

Please notice that you must allow the scanner to scan data on network 
drives even though everything happens locally. Why? xmail uses extended 
path names such as "\\?\d:\programs\xmail\..." which appear as network 
paths to NVC ...
And don't try to us the on-access scanner within the mailroot folder.
You'll slow down everything and may even cause trouble with the locks.


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