Hi everybody,

I'm new to XMail and I have a small problem.
I'm trying to secure access to CtrlCntl Xmail administration - I want to
restrict access to specific set of IP addresses. I think I understand the
format of ctrl.ipmap.tab file and I'm able to configure everything I want
except the access from localhost using loopback IP address

I'm running xmail v 1.16 on Windows 2000 Workstation SP4. On the same
computer I'm trying to open telnet connection to xmail. It is succesful
using computer name or real IP address of the computer. But using
"localhost" or IP address "" I'm getting following response:

-00140 Server does not like Your IP

Connection to host lost.

My ctrl.ipmap.tab file looks like:


Of course [TAB] is replaced by real tab character. I was frustrated and I
tried all following combinations of ip addresses and subnet masks (no mather
if they are correct or no) in one file, still no luck:

Can anyone help please? Thanks


PS: Sorry for my english but I hope you will understand my question.
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