At 13:51 7/28/2003, William wrote:
> > Um... Did you consider replacing "Retcode" with the actual value you want
>return (ie: "97")
>Well, that is actually the proper entry. The filter itself is supposed to
>contain the Retcode, I have tried 3 things:
>1) example string#97
>2) 97#example string
>3) example string [TAB]#97
>I am perhaps missing something quite obvious, but so far it does not work
>like my previous filter which was simply like example #1.
>I have even tried using Google to find instances of XMail Retcode and am
>having no luck (???)

I hate to appear to be contrary, but I just downloaded the file and had a 
look at the source code included, and as near as I can tell, the 5th 
argument (where you have "Retcode") should be a string representation of 
the numeric return code you want to use for rejecting messages (ie. "97"). 
Here is the relevant source code line:

           ExitCode=atoi(argv[5]); // Reject this Email

This line takes the 5th argument, converts it from a string to an integer, 
and assigns it to ExitCode (which is returned upon exit from the 
application). Hence, your filter.dat entry should look like this:

"c:\xscanner\xscanner.exe"      "c:\xscanner"   "@@FILE"        "@@FROM" 
     "@@RCPT"        "97"

You can, of course, replace 97 with any valid return code, as suits your 

Hope this helps....

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