At 16:06 7/28/2003, Kenneth Mogensen wrote:
>GroupWise has an odd way to handle aliases - and i works very wiered some =
>times ....=20
>The trick is here that both the username and subdomain are altered .. that =
>will say the following:
>And so on ... And so on ... And so on ... And so on ...
>If it just was the domain portion of the mail adress .. it would easy like =
>going to bed and sleep ... ;-)

Hmm... Well, I don't know of anything specifically in XMail that will 
handle this, then. I don't think filters will do it - no way to cause the 
mail to be forwarded to a new domain from there (that I know of - I don't 
*think* that rewriting the header will work).

You could do it if you wanted to set up a mailbox in XMail for every old 
user - you could then user a to redirect the mail destined for 
that mailbox to another domain, including changing the user name - but I 
don't think you want to set up 5000+ mailboxes and edit 5000+ 

However, I am not the expert on all this - just another user. Perhaps 
someone else will have some ideas.... 

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