I think you will need to setup Xmail with local users and redirect them.
Which is not as hard as it might sound.
Assuming the Xmail server handles the old domain and would forward mail to
the server handling the new domain (GroupWise).  Further to this assumption,
if all the Xmail server is doing is translating from old to new email
addresses, then use the server.tab setting


This will force xmail to 'drop' all its outbound mail on the GroupWise
server.  This will negate the requirement that xmail will have to dns lookup
the new server, and also you may have limited access through your firewall.

First look at the readme, search for XMAIL ADMIN PROTOCOL
Then construct a file of commands that will create the accounts and set the
(I use Excel or a custom written program to do my string manipulation to
create the command file.)
Next telnet to the xmail admin server (port 6017 by default)
And paste (or pipe) in the commands from the file created above.

The command file would start like this.
**repeat the above 4 lines for each user**
In my example anything in dbl quotes should be replaced with your info -
leaving the quotes intact.
"admin-user"        => "admin"
"mysecurepassword"  => "password"
"old-domain"        => "sub.ajax.com"
"old-username"      => "UserA"
"any-password"      => "@#$%^"
"new-address"       => "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
All lines must be terminated with <CR><LF> characters.  (DOS file)
and all [TAB] markers are actually a tab character.
The DOT after the redirect is important to be the first char on its own

That's the easy way to create and redirect 5000 users.  Test it with a few
users first and then you might want to 'import' them in smaller batches.

I use XPAI (see Xmailserver.org home page) to do my xmail admin.  It is a
php front end to the command structure listed above.

Happy redirecting

Rob  :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Tracy
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 6:32 AM
> Subject: [xmail] Re: Svar: Re: Filters and can it be used forredirection
> ??
> At 16:06 7/28/2003, Kenneth Mogensen wrote:
> >GroupWise has an odd way to handle aliases - and i works very
> wiered some =
> >times ....=20
> >
> >The trick is here that both the username and subdomain are
> altered .. that =
> >will say the following:
> >
> >
> >And so on ... And so on ... And so on ... And so on ...
> >
> >If it just was the domain portion of the mail adress .. it would
> easy like =
> >going to bed and sleep ... ;-)
> Hmm... Well, I don't know of anything specifically in XMail that will
> handle this, then. I don't think filters will do it - no way to cause the
> mail to be forwarded to a new domain from there (that I know of - I don't
> *think* that rewriting the header will work).
> You could do it if you wanted to set up a mailbox in XMail for every old
> user - you could then user a mailproc.tab to redirect the mail
> destined for
> that mailbox to another domain, including changing the user name - but I
> don't think you want to set up 5000+ mailboxes and edit 5000+
> mailproc.tab
> files....
> However, I am not the expert on all this - just another user. Perhaps
> someone else will have some ideas....
> -
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