---------- quoting Michail Tchoudinov ----------
> Check that you have disabled SSL and TLS support in Courier's configs.
> This is because PHP can not deal with SSL/TLS.
> http://www.smartpost.ro/install.php#imap

Ok, switched back to courier 1.7 and now everything works as expected :)

But I have two more questions:
1.) Isn't it possible to start courier-imap-ssl as well (*beside* normal 
courier-imap), so that users can connect to the server with encrypted 
connections from their outlook client? Can't I start courier-imap w/o SSL 
*and* courier-imap-ssl w/ SSL?

2.) What would be the "best" way to integrate an autoresponder into this 
webmail interface? I would write it for myself if there are no options, 
but can somebody push me to the right direction please?

Greetings, Matthias

All right, I have thought this through.  I will send Bart the money to 
fly home, then I will murder him.

                -- Homer Simpson
                   Bart on the Road

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